Fullscript Demonstrates the Impact of Whole Person Care on Healthcare Burden

Key Highlights:

  • Fullscript, a well-known platform for whole-person healthcare, has released two important research. The combined results highlight the benefits and scalability of whole person care delivered through the Fullscript platform for both patients and healthcare professionals.
  • The Fullscript platform’s effects on clinical outcomes and patient engagement were assessed in the research, along with its capacity to improve provider workflow efficiency.

Transforming Healthcare with Whole Person Care:

In contrast to holistic health promotion, disease and symptom management is frequently prioritized in modern healthcare. To deliver value-based care, lower healthcare costs, and achieve long-term health improvements, personalized, whole-person care is crucial.

  • Chronic Disease Prevalence: 129 million Americans live with at least one major chronic illness.
  • Healthcare Spending: 90% of the annual $4.1 trillion expenditure is directed towards managing chronic conditions.

The future of healthcare and global health both depend on robust provider-patient collaboration and whole person care. But there are important issues that must be addressed, like the physician shortage and burnout that affect almost 50% of healthcare professionals. It is essential to lessen administrative responsibilities so that doctors can concentrate more on patient care.

Provider-Patient Engagement Study Findings:

  • Increased Engagement: Patients using Fullscript in collaboration with their providers had a 73% increase in clinic visits.
  • Health Improvements: These patients also showed a 22-45% improvement in lab results.

New care models and technologies can amplify these benefits while reducing administrative workloads. Fullscript’s study revealed:

  • Time Savings: 74% of new users reported weekly time savings with Fullscript.
  • Workflow Efficiency: 77% of new users experienced improved efficiency.
  • Hours Saved: 42% of new users saved at least 1-3 hours per week.

According to Cheng Ruan, MD, founder of the Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine, “the clinical results and improvements we have seen in patients who are leveraging the Fullscript platform via their provider are significant, and demonstrates that a whole person care approach drives better outcomes and a better patient experience.” Laboratory markers pertaining to triglycerides, iron, folate, vitamin B12, and zinc exhibited significant variations, up to 45%, within the established range. Even with constant patient involvement, these kinds of gains and results are remarkable read more about Fullscript Demonstrates the Impact of Whole Person Care on Healthcare Burden at hitconsultant.net.

ClindCast LLC

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